The origins of Torri del Benaco date back to about 2000 BC, but the first documents relating to its name are found thanks to its entry into the Roman Empire…
The Buonconsiglio Castle is the largest and most important monumental complex in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Built between 1239 and 1255, it was used as the residence of the prince-bishops…
The Basilica of Santa Anastasia is the largest place of worship in Verona. It stands on the site where, in Roman times, the last stretch of the Via Postumia passed…
EUR is a district south of the capital created for the Universal Exhibition in Rome, scheduled for 1942 but cancelled due to the outbreak of the Second World War. Conceived…
Arch of Constantine was built in 315 AD and is a triumphal arch that celebrates the victory of Constantine over Maxentiu during the battle of Ponte Milvio. The Arch of Constantine is located along the road traveled to celebrate the triumphs of ancient Rome and consists of…
Pantheon is one of the most interesting historical and architectural monuments that we canstill visit today in the center of Rome. It is the most important testimony of the great Roman Empire, as well as the best preservedbuilding. It was built in 27 BC by Marco Vipsanio Agrippa. After the fires of 80 and 110 AD had damaged the building,…