Varna Archaeological Museum 

Varna Archaeological Museum 

The Varna Archaeological Museum is one of the most important tourist destinations in Bulgaria, located on the Black Sea.

Founded on 3th June 1888, the Varna Library was built between 1892 and 1898 but was initially used as the Varna Girls’ School.

The building, which became the property of the state in 1945, was entirely used as a museum collection only in 1993.

The exhibits range from prehistoric times to the dominations of the Thracians, Greeks and Romans, passing through the Middle Ages, the Byzantine era, the Ottomans and the Bulgarian National.

In the Archaeological Museum of Varna are preserved the Gold of Varna, the oldest gold treasure of which there is direct evidence (it dates back to a period between 4600 and 4200 BC).

The finds come from the Varna Eneolith necropolis, which was discovered during construction work in the western industrial zone of Varna in 1972. 

As a result of the search, over 294 graves were found.

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