Natural Reserve of the Pyramids of Zone is one of the most unique natural spectacles of the Brescia area and are located in Cislano di Zone.
The vast morainic deposit that gives rise to the Pyramids of Zone was left about 150,000 years ago by the imposing glacier from the Camonica Valley; during the third glaciation it filled the basin now occupied by Lake Iseo with a thickness of over 600 meters.
Phenomenon originates from the combination of two factors: from the erosion of atmospheric agents above this moraine and from the protective action performed by the larger boulders, such as “hats” on the “earth columns” below. When the top hat falls, the pyramid quickly disintegrates until another hat is found at a lower level.
The Reserve extends over an area of about 21 hectares, at a height between 400 and 600 meters.
Within it, a circular route of medium difficulty develops for trekking lovers.
Along the path there are some explanatory signs, which give information to the visitor about the natural phenomenon of the earth pyramids and the characteristics of the territory that hosts them.
The reserve is always open, can be visited all year round and access is free.
To avoid periods of rain and snow which make the path rather dangerous.