

Luxembourg is the capital of the homonymous state and is located in the southern part of the country.

The historic center of the capital is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Gran Rue, completely pedestrian, is the street that crosses the entire historic center, while Place d’Armes is the largest and busiest square. The name of the square derives from the fact that in the past it was used as a parade ground for the troops defending the city. In Place d’Armes is the column erected in memory of two national poets, Dicks to Michel Lentz.

In the historic center there is also the historic Place Guillaume. The square is dedicated to Grand Duke William II, King of the Netherlands.

One of the most important places in Luxembourg are the Casemates, a labyrinth of tunnels carved into the rocky promontory of the Bock. Their construction dates back to 1644 and were excavated in order to obtain a defensive system for the city. During both world wars, casemates became a safe haven for Luxembourgers. Below the Casemates is the Grund district, the lower part of the city, which divides the historic center from the modern city.

The Grand Ducal Palace is the official residence of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg and once housed the city hall. The Palace was built in Renaissance style in 1572 to be the city hall, after a fire had destroyed the previous building. In 1683 the Palace was damaged by the bombings of the siege French and in 1795 with the annexation to France the Palace became the seat of the prefecture of the Department of Forests. Following the Restoration, which led to the creation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the building became the seat of government and residence of King William I. The residence of the Sovereigns of Luxembourg was established in 1890.

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